Grade 3 Science(NSO):Plants : Stem


Stems are the aboveground structures that bear the plant’s leaves and flowers. The stem provides a host of services to the plant:

  • It provides a pathway for transporting water up to the leaves, and moving the sugars produced in the leaves down to nourish the roots.
  • It acts as a sturdy mast to hold up the leaves and help orient them for maximum exposure to sunlight.
  • It can act as a storage site for carbohydrates.

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Grade3 Science (NSO) : Plants :Roots

Plants :Roots


Root is the underground part of the plants body. It fixes the plant within the soil and absorbs water and mineral nutrients from the soil. It also stores excess food.

Function of roots

  • Roots attach the plant body to the ground. It provides support to the plant and helps in holding the plant firmly in the ground.
  • Root hairs of the plant absorb water and mineral from the soil and pass it to the stem.
  • Some roots like carrot, radish etc. store food.
  • Root bind the soil which otherwise may be blown away by wind or washed away by water. Root prevents soil erosion.

Types of roots

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