Grade 3 Science (NSO) : Air and water

Before starting lets take a look at the Grade 1 lessons

Air and Water : Properties

Air and Water : Use

Activities: Worksheets on Air and Water


Living things need air to breathe

Moving air is called Wind

A gentle wind is called Breeze

A strong fast wind is called a Storm

A very strong wind is called Gale

Uses of moving air

A weather cock or wind vane is used to know the direction of the wind. At airports we use wind sock to know the direction of the wind. When aeroplanes fly in the direction of the wind , it saves fuel.

Wind makes windmill work. They are used to generate wind energy which is used to grind grains, pump water and make electricity.

Helps in sailing boats

A parachute falls slowly because of the wind

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Grade 2 Science (NSO) : Rocks and minerals


Earth is made up of hard matter called rocks. They come in different shapes, colour and size. Rocks are found under the soil, in rivers and seas. They are solid material made up of one or more minerals.

Rocks can be hard ( granite) or soft (chalk)

Some important rocks :

Granite : 

Granite is a light-colored igneous rock with grains large enough to be visible with the unaided eye.

It is the most common igneous rock found on the Earth’s surface

Granite is composed mainly of  quartz and fedspar  with minor amounts of mica and other minerals. This mineral composition usually gives granite a red, pink, gray, or white color with dark mineral grains visible throughout the rock .

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Grade 2 Science(NSO) : Occupations


Occupation is a job that people do to earn money. People have different occupations

Activities :

jobs-word-jumbles1 occupationWS


Grade 2 Science : Plants


Lets brush up on the basics first. The class 1 lessons will give a brief overview of the plant life.

Plants:Parts of a plant

Plants : Uses of different plants

Plants: Fruits

Plants – Parts we eat

Plant – Types of plants

Plants activities and worksheets

Type of plants

Let’s learn about the type of plants in more detail


Big and strong.

Have large woody stem called Trunk which divides into many branches.

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