Grade 3 Science (NSO) : Earth and universe

A quick look at the Grade 1 lessons :

Weather and The Sky:GK questions on space

Weather and The Sky: Earth and Sky fundamentals

 Solar system

Sun :

  • It is a star.
  • It gives us heat and light
  • It is the main source of energy on the earth
  • Eight planets and many heavenly bodies revolve around the sun.

Planets :

  • Orbits the sun
  • Has sufficient mass to be round, or nearly round
  • Is not a satellite (moon) of another object

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Grade 2 Science(NSO) : Occupations


Occupation is a job that people do to earn money. People have different occupations

Activities :

jobs-word-jumbles1 occupationWS


Grade 3 Science (NSO): Human Body

Our wonderful body

Lets brush up on the basics first. The class 1 lessons will give a nice overview of our body.

Human beings: Parts of the body

Human Beings : Clothes we wear

Human beings :Healthy foods

Human beings : Sense organs

Human Beings and their needs Worksheets

Type of organs

External organs :

Parts of our body that we can see.

Head, skin, arms, legs, eyes , ears , nose , tongue etc

Skin in the biggest organ of our body

Sense organs are also external organs and they comprise of Nose (smell), Eyes(sight), Ears (hearing),

Tongue (taste), Skin (touch)

Internal organs :

Parts that are inside our body

Brain, heart, lungs, stomach etc

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Grade 2 Science : Plants


Lets brush up on the basics first. The class 1 lessons will give a brief overview of the plant life.

Plants:Parts of a plant

Plants : Uses of different plants

Plants: Fruits

Plants – Parts we eat

Plant – Types of plants

Plants activities and worksheets

Type of plants

Let’s learn about the type of plants in more detail


Big and strong.

Have large woody stem called Trunk which divides into many branches.

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