Grade 3 English(IEO): One word for many words

Common one word substitutions :

    1. Depreciate
      decline in value
    2. Deteriorate
      become worse or disintegrate
    3. Eccentric
      conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual
    4. Ecology
      the environment as it relates to living organisms
    5. Fastidious
      giving careful attention to detail
    6. Incredible
      beyond belief or understanding
    7. Indispensable
    8. Abolish
      do away with
    9. Accelerate
      move faster
    10. Accountable
      responsible for one’s actions
    11. Amateur
      someone who pursues a study or sport as a pastime
    12. Ambivalent
      uncertain or unable to decide about what course to follow
    13. Amnesia
      partial or total loss of memory
    14. Anonymous
      having no known name or identity or known source
    15. Appreciate
      be fully aware of; realize fully
    16. Atheist
      someone who denies the existence of god
    17. Audience
      a gathering of spectators or listeners at a performance
    18. Auditor
      a qualified accountant who inspects accounting records
    19. Autobiography
      a book or account of your own life
    20. Bilingual
      using or knowing two languages
    21. Biography
      an account of the series of events making up a person’s life
    22. Colleague

      an associate that one works with
    23. Congenital
      present at birth but not necessarily hereditary
    24. Contemporaries
      all the people living at the same time or of the same age
    25. Contemporary
      occurring in the same period of time
    26. Cosmopolitan
      composed of people from many parts of the world
    27. Delegate
      a person appointed or elected to represent others
    28. Democracy
      the orientation of those who favor government by the people
    29. Tie
      fasten or secure with a rope, string, or cord
    30. Edible
      suitable for use as food
    31. Eligible
      qualified for or allowed or worthy of being chosen
    32. Emphasize
      stress or single out as important
    33. Epidemic
      a widespread outbreak of an infectious disease
    34. Equilibrium
      a stable situation in which forces cancel one another
    35. Eradicate
      destroy completely, as if down to the roots
    36. Etiquette
      rules governing socially acceptable behavior
    37. Glutton
      a person who is devoted to eating and drinking to excess
    38. Gregarious
      temperamentally seeking and enjoying the company of others
    39. Gullible
      naive and easily deceived or tricked
    40. Illegal
      prohibited by law or by official or accepted rules
    41. Illegible
      unable to be read
    42. Illicit
      contrary to accepted morality or convention
    43. Illiterate
      not able to read or write
    44. Immigrant
      a person who comes to a country in order to settle there
    45. Inaudible
      impossible to hear; imperceptible by the ear
    46. Inevitable
      incapable of being avoided or prevented
    47. Inflammable
      easily ignited
    48. Insatiable
      impossible to satisfy
    49. Insoluble
      incapable of being dissolved
    50. Invincible
      incapable of being overcome or subdued
    51. Invisible
      impossible or nearly impossible to see
    52. Invulnerable
      immune to attack; impregnable
    53. Invincible
      incapable of being overcome or subdued
    54. Invisible
      impossible or nearly impossible to see
    55. Invulnerable
      immune to attack; impregnable
    56. Irrelevant
      having no bearing on or connection with the subject at issue
    57. Irritable
      easily annoyed
    58. Legal
      established by or founded upon law or official rules
    59. Manuscript
      the form of a literary work submitted for publication
    60. Medieval
      relating to or belonging to the Middle Ages

  1. Nostalgia
    longing for something past
  2. Notorious
    known widely and usually unfavorably
  3. Novice
    someone new to a field or activity
  4. Obsolete
    no longer in use
  5. Opaque
    not transmitting or reflecting light or radiant energy
  6. Optimist
    a person disposed to take a favorable view of things
  7. Parasite
    an animal or plant that lives in or on a host
  8. Pauper
    a person who is very poor
  9. Pedestrian
    a person who travels by foot
  10. Pessimist
    a person who expects the worst
  11. Philanthropist
    someone who makes charitable donations
  12. Potable
    suitable for drinking
  13. Predator
    any animal that lives by preying on other animals
  14. Ventriloquist
    a performer who projects the voice into a wooden dummy
  15. Veteran
    a person who has served in the armed forces
  16. Volunteer
    a person who performs work done by choice
  17. Aggravate
    make worse
  18. Chauffeur
    drive someone in a vehicle