Grade 1 : Math Question bank/workbook

Grade 1 : Math workbook

These worksheets help students to process skills for everyday life. They are pictorial so that grade 1 kids find it interesting and apply their knowledge to solve problems.

The worksheets in this section teach some simple mathematical skills like matching digits with the words and counting numbers. Some worksheets have comparison and also write the missing numbers.

The difficulty level of the worksheets will increase in the subsequent posts ; so keep visiting the website for more practice.

So lets kickstart with these simple interesting worksheets.









Grade 2 Science (NSO): Housing and Clothing

Housing and clothing

A quick  look at the Grade 1 lessons

Human Beings:Different rooms in the house

Human Beings : Clothes we wear

A house is a place where we feel safe. It protects us from the sun, rain, wind, wild animals and thieves.

Types of houses

  1. Permanent houses

    1. These houses cannot be shifted from one place to another
    2. People build these houses according to their needs.
    3. Huts are made of mud, straw, wood , bamboo and clay and are not very strong (also called kucha house in india)
    4. Flats and bungalows are made of bricks , cement, steel and concrete(mixture of cement, sand,small stones and water). These are very strong. (also called pucca house in india)
  2. Temporary houses

    1. Houses that can be moved  easily from one place to another.
    2. These are also called portable houses.
    3. They are easy to make and cheap
    4. Example
      1. Tent : Made of nylon or canvas.
        • Used by soldiers and campers.
      2. Houseboat : House made on boats that float on water bodies.
        • It is made of wood
      3. Caravan : A house on wheels is called a caravan

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Grade 2 Science(NSO) : Food

Food that we eat

Before starting lets take a look at the Grade 1 lesson

Human beings :Healthy foods

Food from plants :

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Grade 3 English(IEO) : Adjectives


Listing some commonly used adjectives.

Adjectives of color :

  • Azure
  • Gray
  • Pinkish
  • Black
  • Green
  • Purple
  • Blue
  • Indigo
  • Red
  • Teal
  • Bright
  • Mauve
  • Lavender
  • Lilac
  • Cream
  • Beige
  • Rosy
  • Brown
  • Light
  • Scarlet
  • Crimson
  • Magenta
  • Silver
  • Dark
  • Multicolored
  • Turquoise
  • Drab
  • Mustard
  • Violet
  • Dull
  • Orange
  • White
  • Gold
  • Pink
  • Yellow
  • Ivory

Adjectives of Feelings:

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Grade 1: IEO Papers

IEO Sample papers Grade 1









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Grade 1 : Logical and analytical reasoning

Reasoning tips and tricks 

Finding the odd one out

Step 1 : Look out for common things

Step 2 : Find a pattern in the similarities

Step 3 : Which one is different and why ? Cross out the similar ones.

Step 4 : Mark the answer .

Example :


 What comes next

Step 1 : Look at the changes / similarities between each diagram

Step 2 : Look for a pattern in the changes

Step 3 : Do the different changes one at a time.

Step 4 : Look out for the right option

Example :


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Grade 3 Maths : Geometrical shapes

Geometrical shapes


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Grade 2 Math : Time

Days of the week


Months in an year


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