Grade 3 English (IEO) : Adjectives comparison

 Comparative & Superlative with -er/-est

We use -er / -est with the following adjectives:

One-syllable adjectives

Adjective Compariative Superlative
cold colder coldest
cool cooler coolest
great greater greatest
hard harder hardest
high higher highest
low lower lowest
neat neater neatest
new newer newest
short shorter shortest
small smaller smallest
thick thicker thickest
weak weaker weakest

Two-syllable adjectives with the following endings:

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Grade 4 Maths (IMO) : Division

Let’s talk about what division really is — it is repeated subtraction; much the way multiplication is repeated addition.

Let’s say I have the basic problem 16 ÷  4.  I could start with 16 and then subtract 4, subtract another 4, another 4, and another 4 until I run out and reach zero.  I would have to do this 4 times. If I had 16 cookies that I wanted to share equally among 4 friends, I could do the “one for you, one for you, one for you, and one for you” process and still end up with 4 cookies for each.

But what about 375 ÷ 50? If I don’t know how to divide by double digit numbers, the repeated subtraction process might actually be a good choice . . . at least showing some number sense to know that 375 divided by 50 means “How many 50’s in 375?” I know if I subtract 50 six times, I still have 75 left. I can subtract another 50 and I have 25 left over. So 375 ÷ 50 = 7 with a remainder of 25.

Dividing using the distributive law

Division Possible Split Calculation Answer
69 ÷ 3 60 + 9 (60 ÷ 3) = 20(9 ÷ 3)  = 3 20 + 3 = 23
391 ÷ 3 390 + 1  (390 ÷ 3) = 130(1 ÷ 3) = cannot be divided 130 with Remainder 1

 Long Division

Before a child is ready to learn long division, he/she has to know: Continue reading

Grade 3 Maths (IMO) : Number sense

Place value and Face value

Face value of a digit  is the digit itself whereas Place value can be termed as the location of the digit in the numeral.

The value of a place in the place value chart is 10 times the value of the place just to its right.

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Grade 3 Maths (IMO) : Multiplication Strategies

Multiplication Strategies

A quick look at the grade 2 lesson on introduction to multiplication

Taming the tables – Tips to introduce multiplication

While multiplying always remember :

An even number  x an even number = an even number

An odd number x an even number = an even number

An odd number x an odd number = an odd number

Distributive property of multiplication

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Grade 3 science (NSO) : Human body part 3

Links to part 1 and part 2 of the human body

Grade 3 Science (NSO) : Human body part 1

Grade 3 Science(NSO) : Human body part 2

Nervous system

This system controls all our actions, sense of feelings and thinking is called Nervous system.The nervous system is a complex collection of nerves and specialized cells known as neurons that transmit signals between different parts of the body. It is essentially the body’s electrical wiring.

  • It consists of the brain, spinal cord, sensory organs, and all of the nerves that connect these organs with the rest of the body
  • Brain is the most vital organ of our body
  • It sends and receives messages to and from all parts of the body through nerves
  • Spinal chord is the bundle of nerves that runs up and down the center of the back; connects the brain to the nerves; carries signals between the brain and other parts of the body
  • The brain and spinal cord form the control center known as the central nervous system (CNS).

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Grade 3 Science(NSO) : Human body part 2

We have already covered Skeletal, immune, cardiovascular, muscular and integumentary system in part 1.

Grade 3 Science (NSO) : Human body part 1

Lymphatic system :

It is responsible for the removal of interstitial fluid from tissues. It absorbs and transports fatty acids and fats as chyle from the digestive system. It transports white blood cells to and from the lymph nodes into the bones.

-picks up fluids leaked from the capillaries
-supports immune systems: houses white blood cells
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Grade 3 Science (NSO) : Human body part 1

A look at the grade 2 lessons

Grade 2 Science (NSO): Human Body

Human beings: Parts of the body

Human beings : Sense organs

Our body is made up of different organs and organ systems. There are in all 12 systems in our body

Grade 3 Science (NSO) : Food Part 1 – Food Types

A look at the grade 2 lesson

Grade 2 Science(NSO) : Food

Food can be divided into three types

Energy giving food

Give us energy to work. They contain carbohydrate and fats.


They are found in foods like rice, pasta, cassava, yam etc. when starchy foods are eaten and digested, simple sugars like glucose are obtained. It is this glucose that the body uses for energy.

There are two major types of carbohydrates:

1. Simple carbohydrates (Sugar)

  • Fruits
  • Milk
  • White sugar you would find in a sugar bowl
  • Chocolates

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Grade 3 Science (NSO) : Food Part 2 – Methods of Cooking

Cooking of food

Cooking improves the flavor of food and also makes the food easier to chew and more digestible. Micro oirganisms present in the food are killed during cooking which makes the food safer to consume. Various methods of cooking are listed below :


Involves cooking the food at the boiling temperature of water ie 100 degree centigrade.

Example : Eggs , potatoes etc

Advantages :

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Grade 3 Science (NSO) : Animals

A look at the grade 2 lessons :


Animals:Animal homes

Grade 2 science (NSO) : Animals

Animals:Baby names

Animals:Domestic and Wild

Animals: Classification

Animals:Facts about animals

Animals and the way they eat

Herbivores : Animals like cows , buffaloes , sheep etc., that eat plants.
Carnivores : Animals like lions, tigers, etc., that prey on and eat other animals.
Omnivores : Animals like bears, crows etc., that eat both plants and animals.
Scavengers : Animals like vultures and jackals that eat dead and left over animals generally preyed on by carnivores.

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